VIP Seats Almost Sold out For Adults & Youth Day
Reserve your vip couch seat with bottle service, before they are sold out.

21+ Fight Club Friday March 7th Doors open @5:00pm show starts @6:00pm (if you buy adult ticket. you will have access to the next day for Next Gen youth program)
We are Subversiv
We are pro entertainment. We are pro military. We are here to build and develop the sport of jiu-jitsu and create next level entertainment for our fans.
We bring in the world’s top grappling talent from jiu-jitsu, wrestling, judo, and MMA to compete in a team format with Tier A production, including concert quality sound, lights, lasers, and flame.
With some of the top brands and celebrities backing the team platform we see audiences being drawn from all across the entertainment spectrum.
We are not PC. We are the World’s Largest Pro Cannabis Athletic Platform, and the only mainstream sports platform offering this level of reach to restricted market segments.
Subversiv is the most innovative grappling platform in North America. It is the World’s largest Jiu-Jitsu Team Tournament.
It is produced by Seth Daniels and the same team that curates ADCC, the “Olympics” of jiu-jitsu and the World’s most prestigious grappling event.
Founded in 2018 to bring awareness to Veterans with PTSD and as a platform for suicide prevention, Subversiv quickly become a fan favorite event due to its unique team format, nail biting excitement, large payouts, elite athletes, and substantial media presence.